Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wii Wii Wii, all the way to $170!

Best Buy, GameStop, and Target slash $30 off Nintendo's console just under one month away from a rumored price drop to $150.

Last week, rumors surfaced that the Wii would have $50 shaved off its then-price of $200 on May 15 ahead of a Wii 2 unveiling in June. Now, it appears several retailers have jumped the gun by slashing the cost of the console as of today. Best BuyGameStop, and Target are all now selling the Wii bundle for just $170. The discount applies to both the white and black versions of the console.

The Wii console package includes Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and the Wii MotionPlus controller. The two compilation discs include a variety of games, with the former offering tennis, baseball, golf, bowling, and boxing. Wii Sports Resort features a series of Wii MotionPlus-enabled games, including skydiving, nerf-katana swordplay, water scooter racing, and a throw-and-fetch minigame involving a dog.

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